Our Coffee Story

The story of West Java Preanger Arabica began all the way back in 1696 when West Java was chosen by the Dutch colony to be the first location in Indonesia for coffee cultivation, at that time it was the first coffee cultivation place outside of Arabia and Ethiopia. This resulted in the first export of Java Preanger coffee in 1711. Java Preanger coffee became so well-received, that the term “Java” gradually became synonymous with “coffee”, similar to referring to Champagne by its region. Java Arabica was also reputable for being the premium component in the world’s oldest and most well-known coffee blend, the “Mocha Java”.

Today, more than three hundred years later after much intervention, research and support from government and coffee enthusiasts, like us, West Java coffee has regained its former glory, bringing the name West Java Arabica, often called “Java Preanger” and its land of origin; tanah Sunda (land of Sunda) to reclaim its position in the global coffee market place.

This remarkable coffee is grown by the warm and friendly native Sundanese farmers on the West Java Highlands’ fertile volcanic soil with altitudes ranging between 1200 – 1800 metres above sea level and are mostly of Lini S795, Sigarar Utang, Andung Sari, Typica and Ateng variety; which are usually processed in Indonesia’s signature processing technique, Giling Basah (Wet Hulling).

Since 2013, our company has been scouting out; selecting best coffee producers of this region to join our Coffee Network as our partners. Since then, we have been working very closely together throughout the entire process with our coffee partners to improve the quality of our Java Preanger coffee.

During the main coffee harvest season from May – August, the ripe coffee cherries carefully handpicked every morning by these farmers are freshly pulped near to the coffee plantations. The parchment with mucilage still attached will then be brought down by foot to a lower altitude for fermentation overnight. The period of fermentation will be determined by the nightly temperature. The next morning, the parchment will go through a round of washing and after that, the commencement of stage one of the sun drying process. The parchment will be dried to around 20 – 25% moisture and brought to the dry mill for hulling and these green bean will commence the stage two of drying to 12% moisture content. The beans are then specialty graded for density, size and defects and voila!, the final product is our West Java Preanger Specialty Coffee.